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Code comments

Comments for follow-up actions

Whenever you add comments to the code that are expected to be addressed in the future, create a technical debt issue. Then put a link to it to the code comment you've created. This allows other developers to quickly check if a comment is still relevant and what needs to be done to address it.


# Deprecated scope until code_owner column has been migrated to rule_type.
# To be removed with
scope :code_owner, -> { where(code_owner: true).or(where(rule_type: :code_owner)) }

Class and method documentation

Use YARD syntax if documenting method arguments or return values.

Example without YARD syntax:

class Order
  # Finds order IDs associated with a user by email address.
  def order_ids_by_email(email)
    # ...

Example using YARD syntax:

class Order
  # Finds order IDs associated with a user by email address.
  # @param email [String, Array<String>] User's email address
  # @return [Array<Integer>]
  def order_ids_by_email(email)
    # ...