# ift-latex This is an inofficial latex template for the ift. Includes LaTeX templates for: * Bachelor thesis * Diploma or Master's thesis * Dissertation **CONTENTS:** - [Getting started](#getting-started) - [overleaf](#overleaf) - [local or self-hosted](#local-or-self-hosted) - [(optional) use template as submodule](#optional-use-template-as-submodule) - [Where to find help?](#where-to-find-help) - [Contribution](#contribution) - [Recommended Tools](#recommended-tools) - [License](#license) -------------------------------------------------- # Getting started Depending on your priorities there may be several possibilities of how you can use this template and which tools use should take. Here is a short decision advicer: ```mermaid graph LR A([How should I use this template?]) --> B B{data authority?} B -->|don't care| overleaf([overleaf]) B -->|important| D D{collaborative editing?} -->|I don't need it| self([self-hosted or local repository]) D -->|I need it| overleaf ``` ## overleaf 1. Use [overleaf][overleaf] (premium accountis provided with tu wien email address) 2. clone this repository and add to overleaf ## local or self-hosted 1. get [TeXstudio][texstudio] + [texlive environment][texlive] 2. clone this repository or download the latest release > keep in mind, your folder structure will finally look like this: > > ```console > (root folder of your thesis) > ├───bib > ├───chapters > ├───graphics > ├───IFT-Template (here you have cloned the repository) > │ ├───bib > │ ├───chapters > │ ├───graphics > │ ├───lib > │ └───svg-inkscape > └───Thesis.tex (your thesis to edit) > ``` 3. Run [`setupParentDir` script][ps_script] 4. open `Thesis.tex` in Parent directory and build ## (optional) use template as submodule > This guide assumes that user is familiar with console tools (powershell for windows or bash for linux). > Obviosly one may perform all steps manually if needed. You may want to setup your thesis or report with this repository as a standalone module, which you can always keep up-to-date and independent from your work. **In this case perform following steps from terminal:** 1. Create a folder for your thesis and change there ```console mkdir myThesis && cd myThesis ``` 2. initialize new repository for your thesis ```console git init . ``` 3. add a submodule to your project ```console git submodule add https://git.ift.tuwien.ac.at/lab/pub/ift-latex.git IFT-Template ``` 4. Change to the submodule folder and run [`setupParentDir` script][ps_script] from there. ```console cd .\IFT-Template\ && ./setupParentDir ``` This will copy only necessary files into the parent directory of your thesis and link the rest functionality against the submodule and create a `Thesis.tex` file, which is idencal to the `example.tex` and which you should modify further. Please refer to the [script][ps_script] for more details. 5. Commit the initial state of your repo ```console git add * git commit -m "initial commit" ``` >**NOTE:** Following should be a method to store your thesis on overleaf, containing the IFT-Template as a submodule, but overleaf prohibits such setup. Therefore it won't work as described > >6. Add overleaf as a remote repository `` > > **OPTIONAL** > > > > Overleaf basically manages your project as any other .git repository and [provides a possibility to setup a remote connection and clone its local copy](https://de.overleaf.com/learn/how-to/Using_Git_and_GitHub) > > 1. Add new remote connection to your repo > ```sh > git remote add overleaf https://git.overleaf.com/ > ``` > 2. Pull the remote repo merging unrelated history > >Unfortunately you cannot force pull to the overleaf repo - therefore we are going this way :/ > ```sh > git pull --progress -v --no-rebase --allow-unrelated-histories "overleaf" master > ``` > 3. Push it back > ```sh > git push overleaf > ``` [ps_script]:./setupParentDir.ps1 # Where to find help? Please refer to [TEX FAQ](https://texfaq.org/) # Contribution >Work in progress. Feel free to commit to the template development by opening a merge request from your branch. # Recommended Tools - [overleaf][overleaf] Collaborative environment for editing LaTeX documents. - [inkscape][inkscape] OpenSource vector graphics editor - [texstudio][texstudio] OpenSource offline LaTeX editor - [mendeley][mendeley] Citation manager. Proprietary - [zotero][zotero] Citation manager. OpenSource - [Find more recomendations on TUG](https://tug.org/interest.html#vendors) [overleaf]: https://www.overleaf.com/ [inkscape]: https://inkscape.org/de/ [texstudio]:https://www.texstudio.org/ [mendeley]: https://www.mendeley.com/ [zotero]: https://www.zotero.org/ [texlive]: https://www.tug.org/texlive/ # License This Project is based on the https://github.com/joerg/abschlussarbeit-tuwien-physik template. Please see the License-File for further information. Development by ttrautner, bwallner and dnikolaev